Tanya Jawab

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Tanya Jawab General Trading Why should I Reset my demo account?

Why should I Reset my demo account?

Suppose you have breached your demo account or are off to a bad start but know that you have what it takes to complete the Challenge. In that case, instead of purchasing another Challenge at the full price, we provide you the option to Reset your demo account for a lower price.

Remember that only your balance will reset - not your remaining days for the Challenge. You will continue with the same amount of days remaining. The only way to add more days to your demo account is through our Extend option, or by purchasing a new demo account.

You can Reset your account as many times as you like.

Note: If your Challenge is a 2-Phase Challenge, and you Reset in Phase 2, your new demo account with the remaining days of the Challenge will open in Phase 2, letting you keep a hold of your hard earned progress.

For example:

John purchases a 30-day Challenge on June 5th, this means he has until July 5th to complete the Challenge. If on June 12th, he breaches his demo account, but thinks he can still make the Profit Target by July 5th, he can Reset his account and start from scratch while keeping the time remaining on his demo account.

This saves John from having to pay the full amount to retry the Challenge. Although he will only have the days remaining from his initial purchase - John will have until July 5th to reach the Profit Target. If he needs more days, then he can purchase an Extend.