Tanya Jawab

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Tanya Jawab General Trading What does Daily Drawdown mean?

What does Daily Drawdown mean?

The Daily Drawdown rule is the maximum amount you can lose throughout a single day. Your demo account will be closed automatically and permanently once you reach the Daily Drawdown limit. We calculate your Daily Drawdown Limit for you on your Dashboard, and we update your new Daily Drawdown limit every day at 16:15 CT when the markets close.

*Please note that commissions for executing trades will be included in your daily P&L.

For example:

If you have a $100,000 demo account and your Daily Drawdown is $1,000, you will see on your Dashboard that your Daily Drawdown limit is set to $99,000, meaning if your current equity (unrealized balance) drops below $99,000 your demo account will be breached.

If you stop your day at $99,100, then at 16:15 CT when we calculate your new Daily Drawdown limit for the new day, we will subtract the $1,000 Daily Drawdown you are allowed and you will see the new Daily Drawdown limit on your Dashboard set at $98,100 (Previous day's closing equity - Daily Drawdown).

Important Note:

If your equity drops below your Drawdown limit, your account is considered breached and immediately disabled.
A notification is then sent to your dashboard to close the open positions that took you into negative equity and also close the account. This action usually takes up to 30 seconds.
In the process of those 30 seconds, if there is positive movement of your open position, you may see that your account was breached, but your equity is above the Drawdown limit. Although we understand this may cause confusion, due to the markets being volatile we are unable to breach accounts in real-time, but rest assured no account is ever breached unless the equity drops below the Drawdown limit.
If you have any concerns regarding this, feel free to go through your trades to confirm.