Meet Evangelos Gialouris, CEO at TradersTalk

4 August 2022

Q: Who you are & what you do?

A: I am Vango & have been involved in futures trading since 1995 from the institutional side of things until 2005 where I incorporated Minotaurus Capital, an elite prop trading firm.

Q: What is your relationship with TTP?

A: As Head of Trading and as a Partner.

Q: What makes TTP different?

A: In recent years I observed the rise of a new prop trading model where people have to pass certain challenges to become a partner of The Trading Pit. Although I would agree that this model distinguishes amongst the best, the industry has quickly taken a turn to the worst. Instead of trying to find trading prodigies & support them throughout the process they basically try to sell empty promises that have nothing to do with the real trading world.

Q: What is Prop Trading?How do you think TTP is doing it differently from other prop firms?

A: Prop trading is like a hedge fund with no external funding. You are trading with the firm’s capital & gives more emphasis into day trading. The firm relies into its trader’s performance to grow its business. It was & still is my job to bring the best out of my people. Our relationship with TTP is simple; we provide our trading expertise to clients to find the best. Once that’s established we bring them on board & train them on the job to become part of the team.

Q: For people who are getting to know TTP just by reading this post, what do you have to say to help me them understand what we do?

A: I remember in the early 2000’s the prop model was totally different. Aspiring traders would have to spend thousands of dollars in order to get in & most of them would still fail. Nowadays, the entry requirements into the business have been minimised. What hasn’t changed though & I think people are still not aware is that successful trading takes a lot of time. It could take months, years of trial & error before you start being profitable & having a proven strategy. That is where we step in. We speed up the process for people that show real interest in trading & have certain attributes. We guide them through the difficulties before they even question of giving up.