7 Must-Watch Movies for Day Traders

Financial, Commodities, Crypto
16 May 2024

In the fast-moving world of day trading, where markets are constantly shifting, it's important to take a step back from the charts and numbers now and then. 


What better way to do so than diving into the movie world that mirrors the highs and lows of trading? While classics like "Wall Street" and "The Wolf of Wall Street" have become almost the go to movies of their type, there are a lot of films and documentaries that offer important insights into the financial world, told in engaging narratives. Here's a curated list of must-watch movies for day traders looking to enrich their perspective beyond The Trading Pit. 

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"Boiler Room" - A Glimpse into the Underbelly 

Often overshadowed by its more famous counterparts, "Boiler Room" provides a raw look into the practices of smaller brokerage firms engaged in less-than-ethical dealings. Inspired by the life of Jordan Belfort, this film stands out for its authentic portrayal of the greed-fuelled frenzy that can consume even the most well-intentioned trader. It's a compelling narrative that warns against the seductive lure of quick wealth and underscores the importance of integrity in trading. 



IMDb Score: 7/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 66% 



"The Big Short" - The Crisis Decoded 

"The Big Short" brilliantly deconstructs the complex financial instruments and decisions that led to the 2008 financial crisis. Through stellar performances, it narrates the story of those who saw the collapse coming and bet against the market. This movie is not just a lesson in finance but a reminder of the market's unpredictability and the courage to trust one's convictions amidst widespread disbelief. 



IMDb Score: 7.8/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 89% 


"Dumb Money" - The Power of the Retail Trader 

2023's "Dumb Money" celebrates the saga of Keith Gill and the army of retail traders who took on Wall Street's giants over GameStop's stock. It's a story that highlights the evolving dynamics of the financial markets, where social media and community spirit can tilt the scales against traditional market powerhouses. A must-watch for understanding the impact of collective retail trading in the digital age. 



IMDb Score: 6.9/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 84% 


"Inside Job" - A Masterclass in Financial Engineering 

Narrated by Matt Damon, "Inside Job" delves into the matters behind the 2008 financial crisis, making a complex subject accessible to all. It's an eye-opener on how financial engineering and lack of regulation led to one of the biggest financial collapses in history. This documentary is crucial for traders to comprehend the broader economic factors that influence the markets. 



IMDb Score: 8.2/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 98% 


"Margin Call" - A Night of Reckoning 

Set in an investment bank during the initial stages of the financial crisis, "Margin Call" explores the ethical and moral dilemmas faced by those at the helm. It's a tense narrative that captures the panic and the decision-making process in a high-stakes environment, serving as a cautionary tale about the precarious nature of speculative trading. 



IMDb Score: 7.1/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 87% 


"Rogue Trader" - A Tale of Hubris and Fall 

This film chronicles the real-life story of Nick Leeson, whose unchecked risk-taking and deception caused the collapse of Barings Bank. "Rogue Trader" serves as a stark reminder of how individual actions can have monumental consequences, emphasising the need for transparency and accountability in trading. 



IMDb Score: 6.4/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 30% 


"The Wizard of Lies" - The Anatomy of a Ponzi Scheme 

Featuring an amazing performance by Robert De Niro, "The Wizard of Lies" offers a psychological exploration of Bernard Madoff and his infamous Ponzi scheme. While it focuses more on the personal fallout of Madoff's actions, traders can glean insights into the psychological aspects of fraud and the importance of scepticism and due diligence in financial dealings. 



IMDb Score: 6.8/10 

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 73% 



These films provide more than just entertainment; they offer lessons in resilience, ethics, strategy, and the unpredictability of the financial markets. For those actively day trading in the markets, they serve as both cautionary tales and sources of inspiration. So, take a break from the charts, pop some popcorn, and let these cinematic journeys enrich your trading toolkit and perhaps, your understanding of the financial world at large. 

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